EVVA publishes up-to-date facts, figures and data online in its Sustainability Report
Press | 02. March 2023.All of EVVA’s sustainablity topics are available online at any time in German and English on the website https://www.evva.com/int-en/aboutus/sustainability-report . The modular design allows intuitive navigation through the report. “Simply start with the topic that interests you the most and gradually discover our family business' diverse commitment to sustainability,” explains Martin Mayrhofer, author of the EVVA Sustainability Report and Head of Internal Communications at EVVA.
As a family-owned company, it is a matter close to the heart of the management to produce from generation to generation in the most resource-efficient way possible, while at the same time establishing a meaningful business model for the benefit of customers and employees: “We are not only committed to this for future generations, but also for our own today,” explains Nicole Ehrlich-Adám, Chief People Officer and member of the EVVA management. "We focus our leverage where we can influence our greatest impact. After all, this is also where the greatest potential for improvement lies. This is why this Sustainability Report means a lot for EVVA and for us personally." EVVA has been complying with the world’s leading GRI standard for years, which enables comprehensive, serious and internationally comparable reporting. EVVA has also defined its own climate-neutrality targets for the headquarters for the first time.
"Success is only possible thanks to the commitment and support of our employees. As a result, EVVA continues to be a pioneer in sustainability in the industry," Ehrlich-Adám is pleased to report.
The most important updates in the EVVA Sustainability Report
EVVA reports according to the new GRI standard
The updated GRI Universal Standards have been in force since January 2023, according to which EVVA also reports. In this way, our company is reaching an important milestone in preparing for future laws in the area of sustainability.
EVVA is radically reducing its emissions
EVVA has now also defined its own climate-neutrality targets for the headquarters for the first time. The aim is to neutralise the emissions EVVA can influence itself (heating systems, fleet, purchased electricity) by 2030, which currently amounts to approx. 850 tonnes of CO2 per year. The 100% green electricity that EVVA has been purchasing since 2022 is an important success on our way there.
Speaking of success, here is a selection of what EVVA has achieved in the last two years
- EVVA’s emissions have already fallen sharply. Details on our CO2 footprint are available in the Sustainability Report under climate neutrality
- EVVA’s own energy generation has increased to 285,000 kWh per year thanks to the additional solar panels on the new Vienna extension. This corresponds to the electricity requirements of around 80 private households. In addition to Vienna (AT), Hengelo (NL) and Villorba (IT), a new PV system will also generate green energy at the Tišnov (CZ) site in the future. Details under photovoltaics
- Gas consumption has been reduced by 22%. Details under Energy & Emissions Overview
- The proportion of regional suppliers has so far risen to 93%. This enables EVVA to purchase fewer product components from overseas and further reduce CO2emissions from transport. More under Proportion of regional suppliers
- There were also numerous new patent applications demonstrating EVVA’s high level of innovation. Details under Permanent Innovation
- Production output was increased by 4%. Details under Energy & Emissions, Overview and Responsible Corporate Governance
- Employee turnover remains very low and far below the Austrian average. More information under Employee satisfaction
- The number of training sessions has increased significantly again after the decline caused by coronavirus. The overall assessment of all training sessions is excellent: 4.6 stars (out of max. 5). The digital learning platform 'Masterplan' has also greatly developed further training at EVVA. More information at EVVA Academy
- EVVA’s recycling rate in relation to the total use of materials has increased to 70% since 2021. Details under Recycled Materials
- Currently, 70% of the machines are already dry-operated, i.e. without oil and water. Find out more at Clean Production
- EVVA’s five bee colonies feel at home at EVVA. They strengthen biodiversity and have also given us 190 kilos of honey – a particularly high yield according to our beekeeper. Details under EVVA Bees
- EVVA is once again supporting numerous social projects,such as the möwe child protection centres, the “Nachbarinnen” association, Wings for Life and people in need and war refugees with free food and donation collections. Details on social commitment
- EVVA has once again won the "Top Training Company" award from the City of Vienna. We are therefore one of the best training companies in the country. Details under Top Training Company
- A summary of the sustainability awards EVVA has recently won – such as the lean leader award and the TRIGOS Award – can be found under Certifications & Awards
EVVA has been the epitome of mechanical and electronic locking systems of the highest engineering standard for more than 100 years. What began in 1919 with the founding of the "Erfindungs-Versuchs-Verwertungs-Anstalt (EVVA), or the "Invention, Experimentation and Application Institute" in English, is crucial to our company philosophy today: we conduct our own research and development and produce our innovative access systems in-house. As a family-run business, EVVA is one of the most successful companies in its sector worldwide. We currently hold over 300 patents and are represented by subsidiaries in 10 European markets and by distributors all over the world.
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