Learning together and from each other
Scientific exchange with leading institutions is essential for us as a technology company. And rich in tradition, as this selection documents:
- EVVA developed the world’s first computer programs for calculating locking systems back in 1977 – together with Kepler University in Linz
- 1979 Invention of the highly secure magnetic code system MCS – together with the Vienna University of Technology
- In 2014, the new electronic access systems Xesar and AirKey are launched on the market – partially developed together with RISE GmbH.
In the age of digitalisation, scientific and technological cooperation is more important than ever. EVVA's research network is an economic sustainability guarantor for all parties involved (picture on the right: a selection of our research partners).
We at EVVA, our stakeholders in the research sector and our trade partners and customers all benefit greatly from this exchange. Valuable research findings from practical tests are the result, and these can lead to product innovations and new technologies. Customers benefit, for example, from demonstrably higher security standards, more convenient applications and faster processes.
EVVA's current research collaborations:
- Development and testing of AI projects, e.g. for locking system authorisations, for the automatic recognition of correct product parts and correct key embossing. Goal: The programs automatically calculate complex access authorisations for a locking system or ensure error-minimised packaging and key embossing processes. Research partner: CDP (Center for Digital Production), in which EVVA is a co-partner (photo at the top) and with Research Studios Austria
- Development and testing of production software that networks EVVA machines with each other. Objective: The production facilities can communicate optimally with each other and exchange data. Research partners: CDP (Center for Digital Production), University of Vienna and pilot factory of Vienna University of Technology
- Research on new production methods with the Graz University of Technology (goal: lead-free processes) and FOTEC, the research company of the Wiener Neustadt University of Applied Sciences (goal: additive manufacturing with metal 3D printers)
- Optimised production planning. Objective: e.g. import data from production live, apply lean management tools comprehensively, use of additive manufacturing processes, etc. project partner: Fraunhofer Austria
- R&D stakeholder dialogue: EVVA strategically involves stakeholders in product development at an early stage. Objective: Stakeholders are actively involved in the design and contribute their market experience, which leads to particularly needs-oriented solutions. Project partners: depending on the project, selected trade partners, suppliers and customers
- Exchange on energy harvesting. Goal: Access solutions that supply themselves with energy, e.g. via movement or light. Research partners: pfi platform for innovation management and ENSUN technology scouting
- ÖVQ (Austrian Association for Quality) is an umbrella organisation of Quality Austria that coordinates quality audits and training. EVVA cooperates very closely with this institution – jointly organised benchmark workshops for the industry take place at EVVA time and again
- ALeS (Workplace-integrated learning in the smart factory). The aimof this boot camp course was to test virtual reality and augmented reality ideas in an industrial environment. Among other things, the EVVA project team designed prototypes for an AR product visualization in order to illustrate the complexity of a locking cylinder with over 300 components in a particularly clear and modern way. In addition, the EVVA team programmed a virtual tour through the EVVA building
- Initiated by the cooperation partner „StEP-Up“, a consulting company for management systems, EVVA has been taking part in a cross-sector lean management platform, the "Lean Circle", since 2021. The participating companies meet several times a year to share their experience about lean management, e.g. about work plan organization, production logistics, floor management, energy management, digital factory, value stream design, etc. Know-how and learning success are strengthened in internal competitions. EVVA won the internal competition in 2022 and was awarded as Leading Lean Company! (photo below shows some EVVA employees who have participated at the Lean Circle)
EVVA cooperations in the area of sustainability:
- respACT, Austria’s leading platform for sustainability
- "the möwe" child protection centres (more under möwe child protection)
- schülerInnen.gestalten.wandel, an initiative that connects young people and companies (more under Sustainability starts at school)
- Ökoprofit initiative of the City of Vienna, which rewards achievements in corporate environmental protection. EVVA produces an annual environmental report for this purpose and has received the "Ökoprofit" award every year since 1999 (more under Certifications & Awards)
- Top training company in the City of Vienna (more under Top Apprenticing company)
- Agenda Austria, think tank for socio-political issues
- Coding Academy '42 Vienna' – a school for programming and software engineering. EVVA offers free training places, see also EVVA Academy
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