GRI 413: Local communities; 203: Indirect economic impact
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), No. 8: Decent working conditions and economic growth

EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of mechanical and electronic access systems. We primarily distribute our products to end customers through regional security specialists and locksmiths. Worldwide, some 10,000 partner companies place their trust in us and work together with us.
Our focus on partner sales strengthens the economy and industry:
- EVVA negotiates and hands over consulting and installation contracts to partner companies. In this way, we help to secure jobs in partner companies and support economic potential of their countries
- EVVA offers its partners its own training and further education courses to keep them up to date with the latest security technology – either directly at EVVA or via webinars or video installation instructions. You can find out more at EVVA Academy. In return, EVVA learns a lot from partner companies about the special market requirements. Mutually valuable exchange that benefits everyone and strengthens the economy
- Early involvement of partners and general contractors in product development. This stakeholder involvement enables innovations to be realised that meet the true market and customer requirements to 100% and thus increase the earnings potential of trade partners.
- Regional further development through EVVA innovations. Our product developments for electronic access control, which are increasingly in demand, expand our partners' existing mechanical product range and attract new end customers. EVVA launched its in-house developed electronic security systems Xesar and AirKey on the international market in 2014, both of which can also be operated via smartphone. Since then, the number of EVVA specialist retail partners who also offer electronic security technology has quadrupled. An example of how innovation can drive the industry’s market and sales
Development of partner statistics for electronics
Increase in EVVA specialist trade partners for electronic access systems.
- Expansion of EVVA locations. 2021/2022 the site in Vienna was extended by an additional building and the EVVA site in Tišnov, Czech Republic was completely rebuilt. Both are examples of the location and job security that the company offers, both contribute to the prosperity and competitiveness of the regions. More on this under Corporate Governance/Strategy & Economic Success
- Promoting regional suppliers. More on this topic under Proportion of regional suppliers
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