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"denkstatt enertec GmbH", which audits EVVA's energy balance and energy efficiency every 5 years. denkstatt has been conducting an annual CO ² check at EVVA since 2021 Annual EVVA environmental report which is [...] guarantee of always being up to date and of being one of the best. Selection of existing EVVA certifications: EN1303. All EVVA mechanical systems are checked for compliance with this standard by external international [...] requirements for ensuring the quality of the company, product and process. EVVA Managing Director Stefan Ehrlich-Adám: "EVVA was one of the first companies to receive the important ISO quality certificate


from suppliers to EVVA Waste produced (in production, disposal, packaging…) Business travel (flight kilometres…) Commute of employees to work Downstream: Transportation of products from EVVA to business p [...] ons for transport distances, commuter routes, and recycling data. Improvements in the EVVA CO 2 footprint All EVVA emissions have decreased significantly in 2021 compared to 2020! The reasons for this [...] lity. This will continuously reduce EVVA’s CO 2 emission from the company fleet and the corresponding scope 1 share. Regarding scope 2: As of January 1, 2022, EVVA will source its electricity from external

regulate the exchange of heat and cold", summarises Martin van Berkum, EVVA Head of Production Technology. With concrete core activation, EVVA saves around 50,000 kWh of natural gas consumption at its headquarters [...] year. The CO ² emissions are reduced by 12 tonnes per year. BMS implementation at EVVA: Improved compressors In 2022, EVVA invested in two new compressors – these are 15% more energy efficient than the old [...] which requires far less energy than the cooling units, EVVA has been able to save more than the annual requirement of a private household. EVVA plans to also apply this concept to other machines Leaks


hygiene. EVVA continuously reduced water consumption at its headquarters in order to conserve this resource as best as possible. In 2010, EVVA consumed 7,153 m 3 of water, in 2019 only 4,031 m 3 . EVVA has [...] Waste consumption reduced drastically since 2010 EVVA’s headquarters are located in a water conservation area, so the sustainable use of this resource is important to us. We require water for production [...] optimisation measures. In concrete terms, this means that 1.5 litres of drinking water are saved for every EVVA locking cylinder used by our trading partners and customers – with an average new system size of 100


Sustainable material management has therefore been defined as an essential theme for EVVA in the stakeholder dialogue. EVVA regularly informs stakeholders about the company’s sustainability goals and milestones [...] Enormous potential for sustainable production in manufacturing EVVA uses large quantities of materials, particularly brass, nickel silver, cardboard, oils, emulsions, key blanks, etc. for the production [...] milestones (e.g., via newsletters, magazines, events, etc.). The topic has: Ecological impacts: EVVA relies heavily on recycling to reuse materials as effectively as possible. The brass for our security cylinders


in gardens, cemeteries and parks. EVVA stands up for bees and sets a sustainable example with five colonies With a drive to become a sustainable voice in the market, EVVA Vienna decided to take in 5 bee [...] new home on their sunny and accessible terrace, EVVA wants to do their part in easing the rapid decline of today’s global bee population. And, moreover, EVVA thereby seeks to raise awareness for the necessary [...] parks and chestnut avenues. They pollinate around 750 million flowers per year! At the same time, EVVA is providing its employees with a piece of nature – and a little buzz – in the middle of the city:


alone increased the CP share at EVVA by 5%. It already saved 5.8 tonnes of oil/water in the first year (28% of the total requirement for these two resources at the EVVA headquarters). Our purchasing costs [...] 2020, EVVA invested around 6.5 million euros in new CP systems. And in 2021/2022 another 2.5 million euros. This saves us considerable resources and emissions: The environmental benefits of EVVA's Clean [...] production, this means raw material consumption, environmental pollution and disposal costs. However, EVVA’s Clean Production (CP) protects the environment and resources because it works dry, i.e. it produces

not be held during the pandemic EVVA was a course partner of the "Environmental and Sustainability Management" master's course at Krems University of Applied Sciences EVVA Family Days 2019 in Krefeld and [...] include ethical teaching across the board in the school plan are late, but are a first important step. EVVA has been cooperating with associations and schools for many years in order to teach children and young [...] equal partners in the discussion with companies and the public and coordinates the exchange of ideas. EVVA Wien has been a partner of schülerInnen.gestalten.wandel since 2014 and has invited school classes


Waste as a raw material EVVA sees waste as raw materials that should be used as sparingly as possible. As of 2022: 68.2% of our materials are used to make finished EVVA products, 28.6% is reusable waste [...] corresponding stock level. The EVVA order management in Vienna, Krefeld, and Hengelo will handle orders only digitally from 2022 onwards. The positive impacts are: EVVA saves approximately 200,000 A4 sheets [...] waste (swarfs, solid waste, etc.). EVVA recycles 100% of the metal shavings! Which is why we refer to it as “valuable material” rather than “waste”, 2.14% is non-hazardous waste such as plastic or wood, and


EVVA is currently placing its energy management on a new footing in order to further reduce energy requirements and emissions: Energy management with detailed consumption analyses EVVA establishes a new [...] the exact electricity consumption of each production area. That‘s exactly what EVVA will determine from 2024. That‘s why EVVA has only partially achieved the previously formulated goals of „Introducing central [...] older parts of the building (where EVVA has been manufacturing since 1955). Only when energy management with extensive electricity analyzes has been established EVVA will also launch BMS measures like