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stores in Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania. Due to the high security, comfort and organisational requirements specified from the headquarters in Germany, EVVA Distributor

EVVA purchased a 50% stake in the security company ELCA, the biggest distribution partner in West Germany, based in Krefeld. This marked the establishment of EVVA's first independent subsidiary outside of


million Austrian schillings and won its first major international contract with Frankfurt Airport in Germany. EVVA was awarded a gold medal at the Leipzig Trade Fair for the extraordinary technical quality


Germany's largest sample layout garden facility required a durable locking system to cover daily security demands which is able to cope with the high frequency of use each day. EVVA convinced with specialist

analysis of our supply chain does momentarily not show any disruptions. Our production facilities in Germany and in the Czech Republic are being supplied through Vienna. Despite these difficult days and weeks


major boulevard newspaper into " Café Wichtig " much later would be famous and well-known throughout Germany? The Casagrande family took over the café in April 1974 and further expanded it. They wanted a place


EVVA Netherlands has also changed its lighting to LED in 2021. The two EVVA locations in Krefeld in Germany and Tišnov in the Czech Republic will follow soon.


which was completed towards the end of the year, the modernized production facility in Krefeld, Germany, and the new Green Field building in Tišnov. The "satellites" to produce customized and flexible

which was completed towards the end of the year, the modernized production facility in Krefeld, Germany, and the new Green Field building in Tišnov. The "satellites" to produce customized and flexible

production sites designated for this purpose are the modernised production facilities in Krefeld, Germany, and the new greenfield building in Tišnov (Czech Republic), which opened two months ago. The satellites