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überzeugen ebenso wie die vielseitige EVVA Modulbauweise (SYMO) zur einfachen Längen- und Typenadaptierung vor Ort. Ein weiteres VAMED-Projekt mit zuverlässiger EVVA-Zutrittsqualität! Dieses Objekt wurde [...] durch ihre modulare Wiederverwendbarkeit bei einem Ortswechsel. Geplant und projektiert wurde vom EVVA-Partner Schlüsselzentrum Vöcklabruck. Die hohen kombinatorischen Merkmale der federnfreien 3-Kurv

The ‘Giuliani’ machine marked the start of the era of computer-aided manufacturing at EVVA. There is an original photo from the 1980s, and a photo of how the Giuliani machine is still in use today with [...] mechanical engineering department has become increasingly innovative and it designs around 80% of EVVA's current machines and tools itself.

EPS keys and cylinders of EVVA were the right solution for the NUS Wet Science Building. Equipped with over 500 EPS cylinders and the support of BJ Development – one of EVVA’s local partners in Singapore [...] touch with the following persons: Ryan Goh (Singapore): | +65 8366 4640 Raphael Rey Bacolod (Asia-Pacific): | + 43 1 811 65-1414 [...] access control system. And only one cylinder manufacturer who could fulfil these needs came to mind – EVVA! The solution Providing high security and comfort, while simultaneously allowing for master key systems

EVVA developed a new process for machining metal in cylinder plugs using an oil-free serial production method. All metal chippings produced when cylinder plugs are sawn, drilled or cut can be up to 100% [...] 100% recycled, without any additional work. EVVA received the 2011 Environment Award for this environmentally friendly innovation – the jury was excited!

In the 1990s, EVVA identified that electronic locking systems were gaining relevance and the company was a driving force behind the symbiosis of mechanical and electronic locking systems. In a confidential [...] highest priority: "Disregarding electronic locking systems would mean disregarding the future for EVVA."

Das EVVA System XESAR überzeugte mit der einfachen nutzerfreundlichen Bedienbarkeit sowie der bestmöglichsten technischen Lösung. Der EVVA Partner die Firma WÖSS Schlüsseldienst installierte die über 130


Computable competence from EVVA Thanks to almost one hundred years of experience as a security provider, EVVA knows the typical security requirements of organisations. This is why EVVA plans each locking system [...] EVVA was founded in 1919. Since then, EVVA has established a name as a developer and producer of locking systems and as a competent and professional planner of master key systems. Countless references [...] system according to the individual needs of customers and users. Not only that, EVVA also has two premium systems to map out even the most complex locking systems. What is a master key system? A master key

AirKey by EVVA Maximum convenience in electronic locking system technology. Unlock your door with your smartphone. Electronic locking systems EVVA's electronic access systems link high levels of security [...] Well trained by EVVA, our partners will not only provide you with professional advice but also with reliable support. Austrian Quality Developed and produced in Vienna. For decades, EVVA has been a synonym [...] quality and data security made in Austria Reliable for you on site Through our dense distributor network EVVA has been a regular exhibitor at Dubai's major trade fairs for many years, including the Big 5 and

bei allen, insbesondere bei EVVA und meinem Team für die Unterstützung!“, freut sich Glawar bei der Entgegennahme der Auszeichnung. „Als ich Ende 2017 als erster CDO bei EVVA, einem Familien- und Tradi [...] der Digitalisierung bei EVVA. Ein Projekt, dass die Zukunft des Unternehmens maßgeblich beeinflussen wird. Gunther Glawar – der Brückenbauer Seit Übernahme der Rolle als CDO bei EVVA ist es Gunther Glawar [...] Networking Dinner in der METAStadt gekürt. Gunther Glawar, Konzernbereichsleiter Digital Services bei EVVA, wurde in der Kategorie Mittelstand mit dem Confare #CIOAward 2020 ausgezeichnet. „Der Confare CIO


was established at EVVA at an early stage to put the future of the company on a strong footing. In addition to the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and regular reporting, EVVA has a carefully considered [...] company’s interests and long-term development over short-term results. Stefan Ehrlich-Adám, CEO of EVVA, can back up this assessment from his own experience: “On the one hand, we have a long-term view of [...] we take corporate risks with sound judgement.” Strong into the future – with the right strategy EVVA’s corporate strategy and the company’s market positioning are crucial for the continued successful