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Permutation und eine gute Haptik im Vordergrund. Die Entscheidung viel auf das System ICS (Innen-Codiert-System) von EVVA . Neben der hohen Anzahl an Nutzergruppen, bietet ICS unterschiedliche Sperrte [...] hohen Schutz: das bewährte Kurvensystem, das widerstandsfähige Längsprofil und das markante Bahnen-System mit innen liegenden Ausnehmungen. Durch die Oberflächenveredelung garantieren die ICS Sperrelemente im


EVVA forms a distribution partnership with Henk Diutman. EVVA’s market position in the Netherlands is successfully strengthened. Serge Spolspoel took over the management of EVVA in the Netherlands and [...] and Belgium in 2016. Be it in mechanical or electronic locking systems – in 2019 EVVA solutions are in use throughout the Netherlands, maintaining high levels of security and meeting the demands of facility


of HR Development and Head of EVVA Academy Looking to the future with the EVVA Academy EVVA employees have the opportunity to follow further training courses at the EVVA Academy. This has been supplemented [...] tion and utilisation, EVVA incorporates “further training” into the corporate culture right from the start. EVVA has been accepting apprentices since the 1940s – since 2014 EVVA has also been the official [...] electronic motorised cylinder, the impressive MCS magnetic code system or the ­AirKey and Xesar electronic access systems. Click here for the EVVA Academy » It will become increasingly important to stay on

business EVVA's electronic access systems link high levels of security with simple operation. Finding a locking system that fits your needs can be difficult. Finding a locking & Access Control system that fits [...] AirKey by EVVA Maximum convenience in electronic locking system technology. Unlock your door with your smartphone. Free Test Installation Request now The smart electronic locking system for your business [...] new system seamlessly into an existing building, whilst retaining the highest levels of security is near on impossible. Or least it was until now, Introducing a simple, smart, robust solution – EVVA AirKey

same features from the cylinders for its access control system. And only one cylinder manufacturer who could fulfil these needs came to mind – EVVA! The solution Providing high security and comfort, while [...] while simultaneously allowing for master key systems with clear structures required for its almost 35,000 m² facilities, the EPS keys and cylinders of EVVA were the right solution for the NUS Wet Science [...] one of EVVA’s local partners in Singapore – the NUS Wet Science Building can rely on a product and provider who are willing to go the extra mile. If you, too, are looking for an access control system where

techisch ausgereiften und sicherem System war die Anforderung. Nach Beratungsterminen und Präsentation vor Ort entschied sich der Nutzer für den Hersteller EVVA und das System EPS. Durch geziehlte Unterstützungen [...] und somit EVVA mit der Fertigung der Anlage. Auch die Zusagen nach einer schnellen Lieferung wurden eingehalten. Zur Verwaltung der Anlagedaten konnte man noch zusätzlich die Software von EVVA mit einsetzen

(Electronic Motor Cylinder) was one of the first independent electronic EVVA locking solutions launched on the international market. The system is immediately very well received. The motorised cylinder was primarily [...] primarily intended to secure external doors and it could be combined with facility surveillance systems. In 1992 it received the Czech Republic's gold medal for most innovative product. "MKT 35" (Motorised

products and services EVVA has become one of the country's largest security providers. The Slovakian market was increasingly demanding the kind of modern, higher quality systems that EVVA produces. [...] European state. In May EVVA established the Slovakian subsidiary in Nitra Almost 10 years later Silvia Krázelová became the General Manager. She and a team of six expanded EVVA's market share in Slovakia


Grundriss des Gebäudes sollte das Schliesssystem werden. Die Wahl fiel auf das System ICS- Innen Codiert System von EVVA. ICS bietet unterschiedliche Sperrtechnologien für hohen Schutz: das bewährte K [...] Kurvensystem, das widerstandsfähige Längsprofil und das markante Bahnen-System mit innen liegenden Ausnehmungen. Die Abfrage erfolgt dabei in 5 Bahnen durch 13 gefederte Sperrelemente und das widerstandsfähige

electronic locking systems Our products EVVA mechanical and electronic locking systems Xesar AirKey Akura 44 locking system MCS locking system 4KS locking system ICS locking system EPS locking system FPS locking [...] in just one access system. Show more This is what EVVA stands for EVVA is a family business that passionately develops and produces innovative mechanical and electronic locking systems for each individual [...] task with an EVVA master key system. That's not only functional, but also saves costs. EVVA also offers numerous supplementary security devices to increase the burglary protection. Your EVVA Partner is happy