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Building. Equipped with over 500 EPS cylinders and the support of BJ Development – one of EVVA’s local partners in Singapore – the NUS Wet Science Building can rely on a product and provider who are willing to


cylinders to the studios a mere five working days after having received the official order. A local partner has been awarded the contract to maintain the locking system. Additional extensions at Warner Bros


cylinders to the studios a mere five working days after having received the official order. Our partner S.E. Connor has been awarded the contract to maintain the locking system. Additional extensions at


unterirdische Garagenetagen vor, die an die Zugangstüren mit Paniksicherung angebunden sind. Der EVVA-Partner KSE richtete ein integriertes Alarmsystem mit einer AirKey-Steuerung ein, das den berechtigten Nutzern

high-rise building renowned for its sustainability and eco-friendliness, Republic Plaza was looking to partner with a cylinder manufacturer who also prides itself on guaranteeing clean production. The solution

EPS, das klassische System für gute Sicherheit. Realisiert wurde das Vorhaben vom erfahrenen EVVA-Partner PKS Sicherheitssysteme. Das architektonisch einladend gestaltete Shopping Center umfasst rund 28


in nur fünf Werktagen nach dem offiziellen Bestelleingang an die Studios geliefert. Ein lokaler Partner übernimmt die weitere Wartung der Schließanlage. Weitere Ausbauphasen der Warner Bros. Studios in

Kärntens. Geplant wurde der Turm am Pyramidenkogel vom Klagenfurter Architekturbüro Klaura Kaden + Partner in Zusammenarbeit mit den Tragwerksplanern Lacker & Raml. Sechzehn Stützen aus Brettschichtholz,


team member, explains. The project was managed by EVVA Rotkreuz and a highly skilled, local EVVA partner took care of system installation and commissioning. "The flexible, yet extremely simple handling


team member, explains. The project was managed by EVVA Rotkreuz and a highly skilled, local EVVA partner took care of system installation and commissioning. "The flexible, yet extremely simple handling