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between AirKey components. Thus, the latest Bluetooth spoofing attacks do not affect AirKey, the AirKey Cloud Interface or related AirKey identification media, such as combination keys, key fobs or AirKey cards [...] This is not the case with AirKey, because AirKey relied on an interface-independent encryption right from the start of development to effectively prevent exactly such weaknesses. End-to-end encryption [...] the security of AirKey locking systems by using Secure Elements, HSMs and NFC smartcards. AirKey is one of the most highly secure electronic locking systems with smartphone. We don't just say that, we can

AirKey, the system that turns your smartphone into a key has been expanded to include an interface (API). "The AirKey Interface enables a great expansion of the AirKey applications. It is the ideal solution [...] with a flexible and high-security access control system like AirKey. With the AirKey Could Interface, you can use your own software to send a key directly from your maintenance system to a service technician's [...] interesting example. AirKey can send the configured key to the employee's smartphone as soon as they start working at the company. The interface connects the available software to the AirKey Online Administration

The AirKey Cloud Interface is an interface (API) that connects third-party software to the AirKey Online Administration. This allows certain AirKey features to be controlled directly via customer software [...] integration Other apps can now also access the AirKey app directly via a deep link. For example, this is very convenient in a gym app that can easily access the AirKey app to open the gym or locker. Simplifies [...] software. This simplifies processes and saves a lot of time. With the new AirKey release, component settings can now also be managed via API. The following settings can be applied: Set and change geotagging


development of new target segments and more turnover with AirKey. Is that safe enough? Johannes Ullmann The AirKey Cloud Interface is secured via API Keys. In addition, all communication is encrypted and API [...] API documentation. The demo tool, the API documentation and the AirKey Cloud Interface download package can be found at AirKey Cloud Interface [...] The AirKey Cloud Interface lets the system interact with others. Or as said in IT language, it becomes capable of being integrated. What do you expect from the interface? The interface is the key to using

Scope : 65 AirKey thumbturn cylinders in the residential units, 6 of which are AirKey cylinders with anti-panic function, and another 30 AirKey half cylinders in the basement sections, 7 AirKey wall readers [...] get their keys as easily as possible." AirKey was the ideal solution for the rental of apartments by Nest Temporary AG, as all digital keys can be sent to tenants immediately using “Send a Key”. Exterior [...] park entrances and other entrances are secured with AirKey wall readers while apartments, commercial premises and basements are secured with AirKey cylinders. Delivery made easy In order to make the delivery

and AirKey process. Tool of choice for everyone Users can decide for themselves whether they prefer to use their smartphone or a separate physical medium (key tag or chip card) as a key. The AirKey cylinder [...] Project: Im Guss, Bülach Partner : Allthings Country : Switzerland System : AirKey & AirKey Cloud Interface Quantity : > 500 AirKey components [...] Today, AirKey has been successfully integrated and is actively used by tenants," says Manfred Bausch, Partner Manager and Project Manager at Allthings. Special treat: Allthings integrated AirKey The AirKey

app that turns smartphones into keys <br/> The redesigned AirKey app matches AirKey online administration. It saves access authorisations and turns smartphones into keys. It also turns smartphones into [...] process is made possible by AirKey's new send a key function that has now been added as part of a new update. However, in addition to the existing function it's not just send a key that makes gaining access [...] enables adaptations of the length on site and makes planning easier. In 2017 the AirKey product family was rounded up by the AirKey padlock and hybrid cylinder that cleverly merges mechanical and electronic


colours and new media › Red and blue are for AirKey combi keys and bracelets › AirKey stickers for existing media are available now The special features of the AirKey identification media: The highest encryption [...] media are not only pretty, but also useful, as they increase your chances of realising even larger AirKey projects. They allow individual user groups in large organisations to be more easily distinguished [...] encryption standards and copy protection, like in passports or credit cards, are also used in the AirKey identification media. The open source MIFARE DESFire component offers space for third-party applications


updated as part of the current release. In addition, the ­AirKey release brings additional interface functions. Secure. More secure. ­AirKey EVVA does not compromise on security. And that is the whole idea [...] also been uncompromising in the implementation of the new ­AirKey security concept and have continued on this path with the new release. ­AirKey security in detail Relocation to a new data centre – ISO2 [...] The success of ­AirKey is not only explained by its smart features, such as Send a Key or Geotagging, but also by its uncompromising security concept, which is constantly being further developed and updated

The major AirKey release in 2023 brought more security and more interface functions. Even more powerful AirKey cylinders with enhanced security are now also ready for delivery. The new chip (Smart MX3) [...] improved the performance of the AirKey cylinder – locking and unlocking is faster. This increases battery life and enables up to 10% more cylinder openings . The AirKey cylinder is now available • even [...] locking and unlocking • even more durable Security update for your AirKey cylinders Perform a simple firmware update on your existing AirKey cylinders and increase their security and service life. Security