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Erwin Stummerer Scope: 18 AirKey cylinders, 4 AirKey wall readers and 700 media. Xesar had 30 Xesar escutcheons and 4 Xesar wall readers. EPS features around 1,300 cylinders and 2,200 keys. [...] security and convenience. The three access systems Xesar, AirKey and EPS ensure that only authorised persons have access to the apartments and communal areas. Xesar is particularly well-suited to complex requirements [...] sustainable aspect of living in a pioneering way. The project also combines three EVVA access systems: Xesar, AirKey and EPS. The climate-friendly and resourceefficient residential construction project in the

(Milan) ICS | Hotels and catering Vienna running on Xesar - Vienna City Marathon Xesar | Offices Vienna running on Xesar - Vienna City Marathon Xesar | Offices Skibbroen EPS | Residential complex Skibbroen [...] catering Murugan Temple, Toffen Xesar | Cultural/leisure time facility Murugan Temple, Toffen Xesar | Cultural/leisure time facility Healthcare center in Šmarje pri Jelšah Xesar | Health care facilities Healthcare [...] Cultural/leisure time facility XESAR for the castle theatre: The largest German-speaking theatre in the world relies on EVVA Xesar | Cultural/leisure time facility XESAR for the castle theatre: The largest

neuen Features von Xesar 3.1. fanden beim Fachpublikum grosses Interesse. So konnten insbesondere der mit dem Update noch einfachere «Installation Manager» und das nunmehr mit den Xesar-Komponenten per Funk [...] Funk kommunizierende Xesar-Tablet die permanente technologische Weiterentwicklung der EVVA-Produkte gut veranschaulichen. Urban Stenz, Geschäftsleiter von EVVA in der Schweiz: „Wir können nach der heurigen


Partner It pays to become an EVVA partner. Whether as a partner for mechanical locking systems or as a Xesar/AirKey partner, you will always benefit from top reseller discounts, numerous support services and [...] profile and exciting projects. Becoming a partner: Electronic locking systems Become a partner for our Xesar and AirKey electronic access systems. In intensive training courses, we help you to become successful

Schließsystem XESAR eingebaut. Somit kann der Eigentümer der Schließanlage den Überblick bewahren und bei Bedarf auch nachvollziehen, wer diese Türen gesperrt hat. Die EVVA Produkte EPS und Xesar wurden vom

rt. Die Lösung sind hier die Produkte aus dem System Xesar von EVVA. Die Kombischlüssel können an den "alten" Zylindern und auch an den neuen Xesar-Zylindern genutzt werden. Die Zutrittsberechtigungen


recipient receives an email with the appropriate QR code for easy access. Xesar MQTT interface Thanks to the MQTT interface, the Xesar electronic access control system can also be combined with a PIN code [...] are transferred to the biometric code keypad, the fingerprint sensor or the PIN code keypad via the Xesar MQTT interface. With Biostar 2, only the fingerprints need to be read in. Here, the great advantage


muss eine entsprechend moderne Infrastruktur zur Verfügung stehen. Die kombinierte Schließanlage von Xesar und ICS fungiert dabei als integrativer Bestandteil der Zutrittskontrolle für maximalen Komfort. [...] Kombischlüsseln stehen den Gästen in der Sportanlage Zuchwil gleich mehrere Dienste zur Verfügung. Xesar ist die optimale Lösung für kleine Objekte, aber auch große Anlagen. In Bereichen wie Büros, Handel [...] Handel, Gewerbe, Gesundheits- und Bildungswesen, aber auch Kultur- und Freizeiteinrichtungen regelt Xesar bereits komplexe Aufgabenstellungen. Zutrittsberechtigungen lassen sich flexibel erteilen und entziehen


presented to an international audience of industry specialists of this kind before: you can marvel at ­Xesar 3.1 and Akura 44 with us. The latest in mechanical and electronic systems Trend scouts can get an [...] keys and cylinders can be viewed and tried out. However, the highlight of the electronic systems is ­Xesar 3.1, where the guiding principle of simplicity has been pursued exceptionally well. Security essen

systems. “Xesar grows with our challenges,” Heinzl says. TIP: You can find a YouTube video on this reference here . Technology on site Project: Haus des Meeres Product: Xesar Quantity: around 200 Xesar cylinders [...] control access.” Moving away from mechanical keys Since 2017, the Haus des Meeres has been using the Xesar electronic access solution. Thus, it is well on the way to eliminating the need for mechanical keys [...] access in an emergency. Technological features A particular challenge was the step-by-step setup of Xesar while retaining the previous master key system. It also took until the battery runtime was optimally