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the most sustainable of all. EVVA has built its own photovoltaic systems (PV) at several locations in order to generate part of the energy needed itself. Photovoltaics EVVA Vienna Since 2013, the 705 solar [...] kWh per household and year). The EVVA photovoltaic system is a pioneer in the district, and many neighbouring companies have followed suit and installed their own systems. Our PV produced over 1.55 gigawatt [...] per year. The new PV system of the extension ensures complete water heating in the summer. The costs of the previous PV system will be amortised by 2025, and those of the new PV system on the extension by

EVVA introduces a central digital building management system (BMS) . First in the extension to the headquarters, which was completed at the end of 2021, and then subsequently for all buildings of the HQ [...] HQ. In the first step, it centrally controls the fire alarm system in the extension and, from 2024, the entire building management system. We expect this to have a very positive impact on energy consumption [...] radiators. The system works with air heat pumps, air cooling pumps and heat exchangers. "Since concrete stores and conducts the respective temperature of the water particularly well, the system can be used

mechanical access systems could be delivered on time. The adjustment time of some newly acquired machines also took longer than planned. By contrast, the output of EVVA's electronic access systems increased by [...] to the grown demand for electronical locking systems: EVVA achieved revenues of € 67.5 million at its headquarters (2020: € 63,2 million). And in the EVVA Group € 90,4 million (2020: € 85,3 million). The [...] communication of the new EVVA culture EVVA has successively reformulated its vision, values, mission statement and Code of Conduct (GRI 2-12) . In 2022, a new vision for EVVA was planned by the management


for more complex security systems. EVVA implements extensive energy-saving measures to compensate for this. For more information, see Energy & Emissions overview Selection of EVVA digitalisation projects: [...] projects: AI applications. EVVA was one of the first companies in the world to calculate cylinder locking systems using a computer back in 1977. EVVA also relies on its technological edge when it comes to the [...] implementation of the newly planned ERP system, the other sites are also sceduled to follow Highly secure encryption methods. Encryption of our electronic EVVA access systems, which can also be operated with


compressed air system See „Compressed air system optimisation“ LED changeover Sometimes the most obvious thing can make a big difference. A good example of this is the changeover to LED lighting in EVVA Vienna [...] fire alarm systems. The prerequisite for this is to record and know the exact electricity consumption of each production area. That‘s exactly what EVVA will determine from 2024. That‘s why EVVA has only [...] EVVA is currently placing its energy management on a new footing in order to further reduce energy requirements and emissions: Energy management with detailed consumption analyses EVVA establishes a new


s Increase in EVVA specialist trade partners for electronic access systems. Expansion of EVVA locations. 2021/2022 the site in Vienna was extended by an additional building and the EVVA site in Tišnov [...] EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of mechanical and electronic access systems. We primarily distribute our products to end customers through regional security s [...] potential of their countries EVVA offers its partners its own training and further education courses to keep them up to date with the latest security technology – either directly at EVVA or via webinars or video


way. In addition, the EVVA team programmed a virtual tour through the EVVA building Initiated by the cooperation partner „StEP-Up“, a consulting company for management systems, EVVA has been taking part [...] documents: EVVA developed the world’s first computer programs for calculating locking systems back in 1977 – together with Kepler University in Linz 1979 Invention of the highly secure magnetic code system MCS [...] internal competitions. EVVA won the internal competition in 2022 and was awarded as Leading Lean Company! (photo below shows some EVVA employees who have participated at the Lean Circle) EVVA cooperations in


2020, EVVA invested around 6.5 million euros in new CP systems. And in 2021/2022 another 2.5 million euros. This saves us considerable resources and emissions: The environmental benefits of EVVA's Clean [...] this major goal that we set ourselves in 2020 on schedule. 2021 until 2023, EVVA put several new clean production systems into operation, e.g. for key cutting, cylinder bodys and one for the production [...] alone increased the CP share at EVVA by 5%. It already saved 5.8 tonnes of oil/water in the first year (28% of the total requirement for these two resources at the EVVA headquarters). Our purchasing costs


always being up to date and of being one of the best. Selection of existing EVVA certifications: EN1303. All EVVA mechanical systems are checked for compliance with this standard by external international [...] EN15684 Our mechatronic cylinders for Xesar and AirKey access systems are externally certified to complying with this standard EVVA systems are thus tested and certified internationally. They meet the highest [...] these successful certifications and internal tests, EVVA is subjecting its new systems to further practical tests with the actual users in field test systems ISO 9001 "Quality management" is a standard that


maximum precision. EVVA manages many millions of cylinders and keys as well as several hundred thousand locking systems for companies, public institutions and private individuals. All EVVA products pass through [...] which ensure security over decades. EVVA continues to receive many repeat orders from systems that have been in use for half a century and longer (photo: An additional EVVA lock from the 1930s or 1940s, which [...] anything but disposable items. In the reporting year, for example, EVVA received a repeat order for a thousand units of an EVVA cylinder system that was produced and installed in the mid-1940s – around 80 years