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to opt for Xesar – in this system, we can programme any number of key tags to quickly grant or revoke access authorisations. The tags currently in circulation are also easy to replace. "Employees value this [...] must no longer have such a guilty conscience as the security level remains identical, even if key tags are lost." Service as the secret to success The assisting EVVA electronic locking systems partner

administration of granting key authorisations or deleting lost identification media, such as cards or key tags, is also very important for welfare institutions, as changes are very common. Thus, the decision was


the electrical sliding doors at the main entrances with Xesar wall readers, ICS Combi keys, chip key tags or even cards. Xesar wall readers also protect the care department and the respective units have been [...] operation in the cafeteria. The available beverage and coffee machines can be operated using Xesar key tags or Combi keys. Residents can load credit onto the keys to then benefit from cashless payments in the


the electrical sliding doors at the main entrances with Xesar wall readers, ICS Combi keys, chip key tags or even cards. Xesar wall readers also protect the care department and the respective units have been [...] operation in the cafeteria. The available beverage and coffee machines can be operated using Xesar key tags or Combi keys. Residents can load credit onto the keys to then benefit from cashless payments in the


installed for the 2,200 employees' smartphones and 300 identification media were set up in the form of key tags for external users. In addition to the scale of the project, there was a very special requirement:

Grund für die Entscheidung für Xesar – hier können wir unbegrenzt Tags programmieren und Zutritte schnell vergeben und löschen. Die Tags, die derzeit im Umlauf sind, sind außerdem leicht austauschbar. „Das


our smartphones", Schwarz explains. Individual time profiles are also in use. If a smartphone or key tag is lost or stolen, both components must be electronically locked. "Our advantage is that we are using

with an anti-panic function. The initial equipment for the six user groups includes 50 AirKey key tags, 100 KeyCredits and a coding station for programming. "Designated administrators can now send keys


werfen. Die Attraktion schuf neue Anforderungen an die Sicherheit. Bis zu 5.000 Besucher kommen jeden Tag in die Studios. Die Sicherheitstechnik von EVVA sorgt dafür, dass Gäste nicht hinter einer Kulisse

con gli smartphone Android che iOS . In alternativa è possibile utilizzare anche dei supporti fisici TAG NFC di altissima sicurezza (JCOP), sottoforma di portachiavi o card in formato ISO. La gestione delle