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AirKey, the system from Austria Fiber Service OÖ wanted an easy-to-operate, electronic access solution for its fibre optic local exchanges that was scalable, secure and that could be managed with maximum [...] most valuable benefit is that it makes our day-to-day work easier thanks to the scalability via the EVVA online portal. I can easily expand or restrict access as I wish, assign authorisations, add new accesses

vision of the future, but has become a reality", Hanspeter Seiss explains as the AirKey Product Manager at EVVA. The process is made possible by AirKey's new send a key function that has now been added as [...] functions. "In this process, the smartphone knows where the component is located within the master key system and the navigation app will then guide you accordingly. This is particularly useful if persons are [...] with renowned data protection expert Dr Christof Tschohl we have developed AirKey as the access system that has been geared most towards data protection. Smart new AirKey features and more <br/> Apart


organise special subsidiary conferences twice a year. Furthermore, some subsidiary managers have been integrated into EVVA’s strategy team to actively partici­pate in this forum. Lorente: Different rules apply [...] Ten subsidiaries, supplying EVVA products in 11 coun­tries plus distributors in 48 countries – how do you or­ganise collaboration and most of all make sure that we are all working towards the same objectives [...] pricing complement these strategies. This is how we aim to meet the financial tar­gets specified by management. How do you communicate with subsidiaries and distributors on an everyday basis? Mildner: Here

company member Aldridge Security Ltd, who have been proudly selling EVVA products since 1996. Heiner Dolinar, Head of Product Management EVVA, said: “We are proud to be a member of this prestigious organization [...] EVVA continue to run research, development, and production facilities at their company headquarters in Vienna and export their products across the world. EVVA’s exclusive distribution partner in the UK [...] inspiration for future developments in the security industry, crime prevention and therefore also for EVVA. We are looking forward to working with SBD”. SBD is part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI)

company member Aldridge Security Ltd, who have been proudly selling EVVA products since 1996. Heiner Dolinar, Head of Product Management EVVA, said: “We are proud to be a member of this prestigious organization [...] EVVA continue to run research, development, and production facilities at their company headquarters in Vienna and export their products across the world. EVVA’s exclusive distribution partner in the UK [...] inspiration for future developments in the security industry, crime prevention and therefore also for EVVA. We are looking forward to working with SBD”. SBD is part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI)


vehicle fleet. Good performance requires a good basis. Is that what also led you to EVVA? My father worked with EVVA from the beginning. I would go so far as to describe the Viennese company as our main [...] partnership? For me, trust is the most important. And with EVVA I know that everything is okay, because the staff and especially management are always there. But they are also prepared to try out new

Fekete und Musil. Beide sind erfahrene, inspirierende Manager und voll motiviert, den hohen und gleichzeitig innovationsgetriebenen Anspruch von EVVA künftig mitgestalten zu können“, meint Johann Notbauer [...] Die neue Produktmanagement-Struktur bei EVVA ist durch mehr Markt- und Kundennähe und einer Vereinfachung der Schnittstellen geprägt. Damit wird insbesondere eine Verbesserung der strategischen Ausrichtung [...] Erstellung von Produkt-Roadmaps und eine einheitliche Außendarstellung von Produkten ermöglicht. ©EVVA Die dabei neu geschaffene Position des Abteilungsleiters „Produktmanagement Mechanische Zutrittssysteme“

noch einfachere «Installation Manager» und das nunmehr mit den Xesar-Komponenten per Funk kommunizierende Xesar-Tablet die permanente technologische Weiterentwicklung der EVVA-Produkte gut veranschaulichen [...] Voraussetzungen für Austausch und Inspiration für die Schweizer Planungs-, Bau- und Immobilienbranche. EVVA nutzte die Möglichkeiten des eigenen Messestands, um die neuesten Produkte und Updates im „Live-Betrieb" [...] en. Urban Stenz, Geschäftsleiter von EVVA in der Schweiz: „Wir können nach der heurigen Swissbau mit Netzwerken und Fachgesprächen eine durchwegs positive Bilanz ziehen und freuen uns schon auf die nächste

possible with a mechanical access system. Philipp Heinzl, Head of Marketing & IT at Betriebs GmbH des Hauses des Meeres: "I believe that the advantages of electronic access systems outweigh those of a certain [...] worldwide and certified five times over. The visitor numbers are also impressive. The scientifically managed zoo not only takes the numerous visitors through a wide range of themed areas with more than 10,000 [...] particular challenge was the step-by-step setup of Xesar while retaining the previous master key system. It also took until the battery runtime was optimally set. The initial configuration of the software


worldwide and certified five times over. The visitor numbers are also impressive. The scientifically managed zoo not only takes the numerous visitors through a wide range of themed areas with more than 10,000 [...] access and security early on. In the beginning, this was only possible with a mechanical master key system. The step towards an electronic solution Early on, the team at the Haus des Meeres began looking [...] particular challenge was the step-by-step setup of Xesar while retaining the previous master key system. It also took until the battery runtime was optimally set. The initial configuration of the software