Found 61 results in 1 milliseconds. Displaying results 11 to 20 of 61.

Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI), a police owned organisation that works on behalf of the Police Service to deliver a wide range of crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives across the UK. It has [...] by an independent, third-party certification body accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) before being allowed to carry the SBD logo - this is the only way for companies to obtain


undetected power guzzlers. "The canteen was selected because it is easy to test here after the meal service times. For this purpose, additional power consumption meters were installed in the control cabinets [...] switched on and analysed individually," reveals Martin van Berkum, who coordinates the building services. It becomes clear that there are many ways to save energy. Calculated over the year – only for the


of my history in the Israeli Intelligence Service. This combined with EVVA’s products (which I believe are the best locking systems in the world) and our service (which is the best in Israel) – no doubt

car” Vogl & Co offers its customers more than the comprehensive service of a car dealership. Vogl & Co are active from car purchase to servicing, from repairing cars to trading in used cars. Since March 2019 [...] 2019, the possibility of renting an individual car complements the services provided by Vogl & Co. A personalised rental vehicle thanks to AirKey Together with EVVA, Vogl & Co devised a customer-friendly


master key system in combination with the mechanical 4KS master key system. And offers a special service: an interface to the mailbox system. A total of 115 AirKey components were installed on the 4,000 [...] provide support in implementing interface adaptations and mediate contacts with external software service providers

Xesar 3.0 rundum erneuert und mit dem Service Pack 1 ausgestattet“, erzählt Erich Gärtner, Abteilungsleiter Kommerzielles Produktmanagement Xesar. Mit dem Service Pack 1 verwalten EVVA-Partner und Xesar-Nutzer [...] mit Lese- oder auch mit allen Bearbeitungsrechten versehen werden. „Alles in allem ein gelungenes Service! Das beweisen auch die über 25 weiteren Funktionen, die ich hier nicht alle aufzählen kann“, ist

bei der Bestellung im Freitext einfach „Projektverpackung“ dazu. Nutzen Sie das zusätzliche EVVA-Service Projektverpackung, sparen Sie so Montagezeit und schonen unsere Umwelt! Hinweis: Aufgrund der eingelegten

Partner portal gives you straight-forward access to a comprehensive collection of sales documents and service offers, such as: News about EVVA Personal order status Documents, images, videos Software download


of all the colleagues at EVVA who are continuing to work to maintain our delivery capability and service for you and your customers. The coronavirus crisis has brought about many changes for you, but for


and innovative energy and water system and related services. The customer centres offer comprehensive service – online or on site. Regional services include public transport with 245 buses and the operation