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demand for a reversible key system was predominantly driven by Switzerland. The other systems, such as MCS, were not reversible key systems and 3KS, unfortunately, did not catch on in Switzerland. That's good

And in the years after that we were continually developing innovative locking systems, such as GPI, MCS, ICS, 3KS plus, electronic authorisation for master key systems was introduced, and finally, we launched


towards innovative security solutions such as the EMZY electronic motorised cylinder, the impressive MCS magnetic code system or the ­AirKey and Xesar electronic access systems. Hier geht’s zur EVVA Academy


die Expansion des Unternehmens – war die Erfindung und Patentierung der mechanischen Systeme GPI und MCS, vor mittlerweile vier Jahrzehnten. Sie sind bis heute von enormer Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der


an important milestone in the company's expansion - was the invention and patenting of the GPI and MCS mechanical systems, which are still important today, four decades ago. But the permanent further d


The tried and tested magnetic technology is still popular despite 3D printing. A milestone in EVVA's history, which still offers an unparalleled level of security and is 100% copy proof.