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Press releases
Press contact

Mag. Maria Nekham
PR and corporate communication
EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH
Wienerbergstrasse 59-65 | 1120 Vienna | Austria
T +43 1 81165 1132 | F +43 1 81165 1016
EVVA is an Austrian family-owned company and across Europe one of the leading manufacturers of mechanical and electronic access solutions. We provide integrated, comprehensive packages to meet the most varied security demands.
Mag. Stefan Ehrlich-Adám
Around 790 across Europe, over 480 in Austria
Headquarters and main production site:
Wienerbergstrasse 59–65, 1120 Vienna
Subsidiaries and stakes in companies throughout Europe:
Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Sweden
EVVA is also represented by distributors in Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Finland, Georgia, Greece, UK, ROI, Iceland, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Sultanate of Oman, Panama, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Thailand, Ukraine, UAE, Cyprus.
Product categories:
- Mechanical locking systems
- Electronic access solutions
- Supplementary security devices
Solutions for:
- Residential properties and condominiums
- Residential buildings for communities
- Hotels & catering companies
- Office buildings
- Wholesale & retail premises
- Infrastructure facilities
- Industrial premises
- Educational facilities
- Culture & leisure facilities
- Health care facilities
- Private households and apartments
- TRIGOS Award 2012
- ISO 9001 Quality management system – the first European company in the sector awarded certification back in 1993
- "Öko Business Award" (Eco Business Award) – for the modular design of cylinder locks.
- "Ökoprofit-Auszeichnung der Stadt Wien", award by the City of Vienna for first-class environmental management six years in a row
- "Trigos Award" for outstanding sustainable successes
- "Leonardo Award" for the best automation solution
Press images
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