Digitalisation, here we come!
News | 22. February 2021.Regardless of the industry or company, it is invariably stressed that this is where the future is and the implementation of digitalisation is essential for the future viability of any company. Who better understands how to take advantage of the opportunities during this period of change than Gunther Glawar, EVVA Group Division Executive for Digital Services. In autumn 2020, he received the Confare #CIOAward, the highest distinction in the Austrian IT scene, and he is an industry expert who knows how to set the course for a successful future. He reports on his experiences and what he expects for the future.
You have been awarded the most important prize of the local IT scene for your work. What do you see as the reasons for this?
Glawar: An award like this is first and foremost a tribute to the entire team. Because, although you might think that IT is just full of lone-wolf nerds, everyone’s work goes into every successful implementation. I can forge ahead with ideas or develop processes butthey can only be implemented with the efforts of all employees. And, of course, with the specialist departments that have to accept the new developments and ultimately live them as well. And, of course, I also need bosses who have confidence in me and, above all, provide the necessary resources. So, there are many intertwining aspects involved in achieving the prize-winning outcome.
Digitalisation – many people are afraid of it. How do you get your partners on board?
I see the key to success as getting people excited about the future – and, in doing so, taking them on the journey with you. It’s no use rushing into the digital future. I need the team, production department and Partners. Only together can solutions be developed that make everyday life easier, drive EVVA forward and offer Partners added value that they cannot find with other suppliers. To do that, it is sometimes necessary to slow things down a bit and ask: is everyone on the same page? This is why personal communication is very important to me. And paying close attention to where there is a need. Where do we need to explain more, show the advantages more clearly, etc.
What future possibilities do you see?
In 2020, there has been a clear push towards digitalisation. All of a sudden, there is awareness among many people who were still sceptical until recently. And this is where EVVA comes in. We firstly took care of our internal tasks, such as cloud solutions, aligning the networks and, first and foremost, security in production. We can now also focus more externally and demonstrate the advantages and possibilities that our new solutions offer. What we need to focus on in particular is: what are we giving our Partners? What are the benefits of the higher rate of automation? Or what is the benefit of our online ordering portal, which is already live in Switzerland and is currently also being rolled out in Austria and Germany? This gives our Partners transparency: always knowing where my order is, that’s an asset that many demand.
What is your vision of the digital future at EVVA and in the industry?
For me, the higher rate of automation is number one. Many things are still run manually in our company, which cannot continue. Linked to that is the goal of reducing error rates or detecting errors early. Even though there have been calls for it to happen for years: we will become paperless. And we need to look even more at what the customers want, but also offer solutions that they perhaps cannot even imagine today. We are progressing towards the knowledge society; manual work is increasingly being sidelined, especially in manufacturing.
You stress the importance of the team. How do you manage to find good people?
It is difficult and we have high expectations too. EVVA offers exciting projects in an international environment in the middle of Vienna with numerous benefits. The word gets around the industry about that and the Confare CIO Award raises our profile in the industry even further.
Definition of “digitalisation”
› Digital transformation and presentation or implementation of information and communication
› Digital modification of instruments, devices and vehicles
› Digital transition to the information age with computerisation
Source: Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon
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