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user notification at order canceling NullRefException when running the configurator by double click from the editor GUI-Freeze after data request NullRefException in FetchOrderItems Order canceling not su [...] the order can be displayed Technical data: importing datas in a plan where the exclusive profile number is "." (dot) is now possible without error message Additional warnung when shipping an order to a [...] resulted in the loss of locking functions in central cylinders Synchronisation of change requests to an order from an subordinate organization did not work properly Navigation: selecting a main option activates


operation. For technical reasons, it is necessary for EVVA to collect, store and process data in order to be able to use the products in accordance with the product specifications. Processing of personal


spiegato Kiel. Digitalizzazione Uno strumento che mostra la "digitalizzazione vissuta" di EVVA è l'Order Fulfillment Tool sviluppato internamente, che riflette lo status quo degli ordini lungo l'intero processo